The Narrow Road...
Here is a roadmap we all should
follow on our lifelong trek to salvation. It is easy to take the wide road
to perdition and hard to find the narrow road leading to eternal happiness.
All we have to do is to follow a few very simple rules which are spelled
out in Holy Scripture.
1. Jesus Christ
said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life."
Do you believe He said that? John 14:6.
Yes, go to 2.
No, go to 11.
2. Since Jesus Christ said He is the truth, then everything
He said is the truth.
Do you believe that ?
Yes, go to 3.
No, go to 12.
3. Saul persecuted the fledgling Church which Jesus Christ
founded. He imprisoned many, and participated in the deaths
of others. Acts 7:58-8:3
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 4.
No, go to 13.
4. Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church, and the people
are the body.
Ephesians 1:22-23,5:23, Colossians 1:18.
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 5.
No, go to 13.
5. Jesus Christ said, "Saul, why are you persecuting
Me?" Acts 9:4. Since the people, who are His body,
are the ones Saul persecuted, Jesus therefore was referring to
His Church.
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 6.
No, go to 13.
6. Jesus said, "Go, therefore, and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe
all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all
days, even unto the consummation of the world." Matthew 28:19-20.
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 7.
No, go to 14.
7. Since Jesus commissioned His Apostles to go out and
teach, He was referring to the Church which He founded.
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 8.
No, go to 13 or 14.
8. Since Jesus promised He would be with His Church, "Even
unto the consummation of the world", then He has been
with His Church every day of every century, from the time He
said this, and will be until the end of time.
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 9.
No, go to 14.
9. Since Jesus Christ is with His Church from the time
He promised in Matthew 28:20 until the present date and on
into the future, He is with His Church at this very moment.
Do you believe this?
Yes, go to 10.
No, go to 14.
10. Congratulations! You made it this far because you
know your Bible. You believe in Jesus Christ and in His Word.
You realize He IS truth and everything He said is absolute
truth. You know that GOD cannot lie,
Titus 1:2.
So now, to find the narrow road to salvation, all you have
to do is to decide which Church is the true Church, the only
Church which Jesus Christ founded. You have just read the clues,
and there can be only one answer.
11. You are not Christian and are therefore racing down
the wide road to perdition like so many others.
12. You were not truthful with yourself in answering question
If you do not believe Him, then why are you
13. Apparently you did not read the scripture verses listed
or did not understand them. Start over and get help in
understanding the verses.
14. You have just called Jesus Christ a liar, 1John 5:10.
If you do not believe ALL of what He said, then how can
you call yourself Christian?
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