Christ would come out of Israel (Num 24:17-19, Isa 11:1,49:7, Heb 7:14).
Christ would be descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Gen12:2;17:19,Num 24:17).
Christ would be born of the family of David (Gen 49, Isa 11, Rom 1:3).
He would be the light of the world until the end of time (Isa 49:6, Lk 2:32).
He would be the Redeemer (Isa 49:7,26,59:20,60:16, Rom 11:26).
He would be the Savior (Jesus) (Isa 19:20,43:3, Lk 2:11, Acts 13:47, 1Tim 1:15).
He would be the Messiah (Christ) (Dan 9:25, Jn 1:41).
He would be the King of kings (Dan 2:37, 1Tim 6:15, Rev 17:14).
He would be the King of Israel (Isa 44:6, Zeph 3:15, Jn 1:49).
He would be the Lord of Lords (Deut 10:17, Ps 110:1, Rev 17:14).
He would be the Son of God (Ps 2:9, Rom 1:4).
He would be the 'Mighty GOD', (Isa 9:6, Rev 1:8).
He would be a Prophet (Deut 18:18, Jn 3:34,17:8).
He would come to serve and not to be served (Zech 3:8, Mt12:18, Mk 10:45).
He would bear the sins of mankind (Isa 53:4, Mt 8:17, 1Pet 2:24).
He would be made to be sin (Isa 53:6, 2Cor 5:21).
There would come a day of salvation said the Lord (Isa 49:3, 2Cor 6:2).
He would establish a new covenant (Gen 17:2,19, Isa 49:8, Jer 31:31, Mt 26:28, Mk 14:24, Lk 22:20, Heb 8:8).
The time of His coming was specified (Dan 9:25, Lk 1:31).
Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Mt 2:1,6, Lk 2:4,11,15).
Christ would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14, Lk 1:27, Rev 12:5).
The Messiah would be God manifest in the flesh (Isa 9:6, 1Tim 3:16, Heb 10:5).
The children of Bethlehem would be slain (Jer31:15, Mt 2:17-18).
He would spend His childhood in and be called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1, Mt 2:13-15,19-20).
Christ's coming would be announced by a forerunner (Isa 40:3-5, Mt 3:3,11:10, Mk 1:2, Jn 1:23).
He would have fishermen as disciples (Jer 16:16, Mt 4:18-19, Mk 1:16-17).
His disciples would fish and catch nothing (Isa 19:8, Lk 5:5, Jn 21:3).
He would calm the storm (Ps 107:29, Mk 4:39, Lk 8:24).
His habitation would be desolation (Ps 69:25, Acts 1:20).
He would go to Capernaum for awhile (Isa 9:1, Mt 4:13, Lk 4:31).
The Spirit would rest upon Him (Isa 11:2,42:1, Mt 3:16)
He could not sin (Isa 53:9, 1Pet 2:22).
He would preach to the people (Isa 61:1, Mt 4:17,10:7,27, Acts 10:42).
He would preach in a synagogue (Ps 2:22, Lk 4:17-21,28, Jn 7:14).
He would speak in parables (Ps 78:2, Mt 13:34, Jn 16:25, Lk 8:10).
His mother and brethren would try to approach Him and fail (Ps 69:8, Lk 8:19).
He would be a shepherd of His people (Ps 23:1,80:1, Ecc 12:11, Isa
40:11, Jn 10:11,14,16, Heb 13:20).
He would establish a Church which would last forever (Isa 59:21, Mt 16:18,
Jn 14:16-17, Jn 16:12-15)
He will be heard and not understood (Isa 6:9, Mt 13:14-15, Mk 4:12).
He will be seen but not perceived (Isa 6:9, Mt 13:14-15, Mk 4:12, Acts 28:36).
He would not be believed (Isa 6:10,53:1, Mt 15:8, Mk 6:6, Jn 12:38).
He would perform miracles, signs and wonders (Isa 8:18, Acts 2:22).
He would make the blind see (Isa 42:7,16, Mt 11:5).
He would raise the dead (Isa 25:8,26:19, Ez 37:1-14, Jn 11:1-44, Eph 5:14).
The Father would exalt Him (Ps 2:7, Isa 42:1, Mt 17:5, Mk 9:7, Lk 3:22, Phil 2:9).
He would enter Jerusalem on a colt, the foal of an ass (Zech 9:9, Mt 21:5).
They would sing, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" (Ps 118:26, Mt 21:9).
They would smite the Shepherd, the sheep would be scattered (Zech 13:7, Mt 26:31, Mk 14:27).
Christ would be betrayed by a friend (Ps 41:9, Jn 13:18, Acts 1:16).
He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver (Zech 11:12 Mt 27:3,5,9).
Thirty pieces of silver would be given for the potter (Zech 11:13, Mt 27:7,10).
Enemies coming for Him in the Garden, would stumble and fall (Ps 27:2, Jn 18:6).
He would be nailed to the cross (Isa 22:23, Jer 10:4, Mt 27:35, Jn 19:18).
He would be accused by false witnesses (Ps 27:12,35:11,109:2,Mt 26:60,Mk 14:57).
He would be forsaken by His friends and they would flee (Isa 63:3, Mk 14:50).
He would be hated without a cause (Ps 35:19,69:4,109:3-4, Isa 49:7, Jn 15:25).
He would be rejected by His own people (Isa 49:5,53:3, Mk 9:12, Jn 1:11).
His enemies would be of His own house (Mic 7:6, Jn 7:5).
He would not open his mouth to His tormentors (Isa 53:7, Ps 38:13-14, Mt 26:62-63,27:14, Lk 23:9, Jn 19:9, Acts 8:32, 1Pet 2:23).
They would spit in His face (Isa 50:6, Mt 26:67).
He would be scorned and mocked (Ps 22:7-8, Mt 27:29).
He would be bruised and wounded (Isa 53:5, Mt 27:26).
He would be hit on the head with a stick (Mic 5:1, Mk 15:19).
His appearance would be marred beyond other men (Isa 52:14, Mk 15:19).
His hands feet and side would be pierced (Ps 22:16, Zech 12:10, Jn 19:37,20:27).
He would be crucified with two thieves (Isa 53:9,12, Mk 15:27-28, Jn 19:18).
He would forgive His transgressors (Isa 53:12, Lk 23:34).
He would cry, "I thirst" (Ps 22:15, Jn 19:28).
He would be given gall and vinegar in His agony (Ps 69:21, Mt 27:34, Jn 19:29).
Men would cast lots for His garments (Ps 22:18, Mt 27:35, Jn 19:24).
He would be taunted as He hung on the cross (Ps 22:7-8, Mt 27:40, Mk 15-32).
He would be looked at and stared upon (Ps 22:17, Jn 19:37, Mt 27:36).
He would utter, "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me", words in His dying agony, which were quoted before He was born (Ps 22:1,19, Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34).
He would say, "Unto Your Hands I Commend My Spirit" (Ps
31:5, Lk 23:46).
The sun would be darkened at midday (Amos 8:9, Mt 27:45).
Not a bone of His body would be broken (Ps 34:20, Jn 19:32-33,36).
He would die for our sins (Isa 53:8,12, Dan 9:26, 1Cor 15:3).
He would be put into a common grave (Isa 53:9, Mt 27:60).
His accuser, Judas, would be replaced (Ps 69:25,109:8, Act 1:19-20).
His body would not see corruption (Ps 16:10, Isa 55:3, Acts 2:31,13:34-35,37).
He would rise from the dead (Ps 16:10,49:15, Isa 53:10, Hos 6:2. Mk 15:6).
He would rise on the third day (Jona 1:17, Hos 6:2, Mt 12:40,26:61,27:40,27:63).
He would not fail (Isa 42:4, Jn 19:30).
He would establish His Church (Zech 6:13, Mt 16:18).
He would be the cornerstone (Ps 118:22, Mk 12:10, 1Pet 2:6-8).
There would be one fold and one shepherd (Isa 40:11, Jn 10:16, 1Pet 2:25).
He would ascend on high (Ps 68:18, Eph 4:5).
He would rise into Heaven (Isa 9:7, Mk 16:19, Lk 24:51).
He would sit at the right hand of the Father (Ps 110:1, Acts 2:34, Heb 1:3).
Every knee would bow to Him (Isa 45:23, Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10).
He would judge us (Jer 33:15, Jn 5:22, Acts 17:31).
He would make His enemies His footstool (Ps 110:1, Heb 1:13).
His Kingdom would last forever and ever (Ps 45:6, Dan 7:14, Heb 1:8).
His name shall endure forever (Ps 72:17, 2Pet 1:11).
His word would last forever (Isa 40:8, Mt 24:25, Mk 13:31, Lk 21:33, 1Pet 1:25).
He would proclaim eternal salvation (Isa 62:11, Heb 5:9).
He would be a Priest forever (Ps 110:4, Heb 7:17,21).
He is the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega (Isa 41:4,44:6,Rev 22:13).