The Immaculate Conception:
Mary is the new "Ark of the Covenant".
GOD was very meticulous as to how the Hebrews were to construct the 'Ark
of the Covenant' in Exodus 25. The Ark was very sacred because it contained
GOD'S 'Word', written on the stone tablets handed down by Him to Moses.
It was so sacred that Uzzah died by just touching it in 2Sam 6:2-8.
GOD and sin are mutually exclusive. Does not it stand to reason that when
GOD made His new 'Ark of the Covenant', the vessel that contained His 'Word',
Jesus Christ, that He would be equally or more meticulous in creating it?
Can GOD co-exist with original sin in the same vessel, the womb of Mary?
That 'vessel', Mary, had to be worthy of the 'Treasure' she carried, Jesus
The Christ, the Word Incarnate.
Who was the first person to call Mary 'Blessed'?
It was GOD Himself through the Angel Gabriel in Luke 1:28. If GOD said
"Hail, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee", in the same verse,
could Mary have been 'full of grace' or 'blessed' or have the 'Lord with
her', had she been stained by original sin? If you say 'yes' to that one,
then please explain your answer to me?
By being "full of Grace", and being told "the Lord is with
thee", is she not higher than Eve who was never told these things?
If so, was Eve created with original sin? No? Then why do you think Mary,
who is higher than Eve, was born with original sin? Wouldn't having original
sin make Mary lower than Eve? Eve is a "type"
of Mary, who is the "antitype". "Types" are always
inferior to "antitypes" and always point to a much greater reality,
and never to a symbol.
GOD will not join Himself with anything defiled, Wis 1:4-5, Isa 59:1-4,
Rom 1:18-32, Rev 21:27.
For these reasons, Mary had to be immaculately conceived: Gen 3:15,
Ex 25:8-40, Psa *4:4,18:23,51:10, Psa 132:8, *Song 4:7, *Wis 1:4, Isa 59:2,
Ez 44:1-3, Lk 1:28,42, *John 1:1 and 1:14 together, Eph 5:27, Tit 3:7.
Theotokos is Greek and it's meaning is 'GOD Bearer'.
And who is the 'GOD Bearer'? Mary, the Mother of GOD. Who else bore GOD?
This is shown in John 1:1, "...and the Word was GOD", and in
John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
So the Word, who was GOD, was made flesh. Where did the substance of the
flesh come from? It came from the substance of Mary. Could the substance
of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ come from a person stained by original
Mothers give birth to persons, not natures. The person of Jesus Christ
is divine, not human. Mary gave birth to a divine person. That makes her
the 'Theotokos', the 'GOD Bearer', the 'Mother of GOD'.
In Luke 1:41-43, '...Elizabeth, being filled with
the Holy Spirit, cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Blessed
art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb! And how have
I deserved that the MOTHER OF MY LORD should
come to me?'"
Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, called
Mary the 'Mother of my Lord'. Since being 'filled with the Holy Spirit'
means the same throughout the Bible, then it was the Holy
Spirit who gave her the words to say, isn't that true?
"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in foreign tongues, even
as the Holy Spirit prompted
them to speak," Acts 2:4.
Who is 'my Lord', is it not GOD? Did she then not call Mary, the
If that is what she said, then the Holy Spirit
called Mary the 'Mother of GOD' did
He not? If you say 'no' to these questions in this paragraph, then
please explain your reason(s) why to me.
If the third person of the Holy Trinity called Mary the 'Mother
of GOD', would any one of us dare to deny
Can the 'Mother of GOD' have original sin on her soul?
The doctrine of Mary, the 'Mother of GOD' was first proclaimed by the Church
at the Council of Ephesus in 431.
I will ask you, 'Will GOD join Himself to anything defiled'?
Isaiah 64:8, "And now, O Lord, Thou art Our
Father, and we are clay; and Thou art our maker,
and we all are the works of Thy hands."
Jeremiah 18:4-6, "And the vessel was
broke which he was making of clay with his hands; and turning he made another
vessel, as it seemed good in his eyes to make it. Then the Word of the
Lord came to me saying: 'Cannot I do with
you as this potter, O house of Israel, said the Lord? Behold as clay is
in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel."
So GOD is the Potter, and we are the clay
to mold as He sees fit.
The Potter and the Clay, and Romans 9:21 give Biblical justification to the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.
The decree of the bull reads:
"Accordingly, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, for the honor
of the Holy and undivided Trinity, for the glory and adornment of the Virgin
Mother of GOD, for the exaltation of the Catholic faith and for the furtherance
of the Catholic religion, by the authority of Jesus Christ Our Lord, of
the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and our own, we declare, pronounce,
and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary,
in the first instant of her Conception, by a singular grace and privilege
granted by Almighty GOD, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior
of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is
a doctrine revealed by GOD and therefore to believed firmly and constantly
by all the faithful."